Teeth in a Day Plantation is an advanced and revolutionary procedure that uses constructed titanium rods that are attached at a certain angle. Distinct from traditional implants, this procedure no longer requires bone grafting. Generally, completion of the dental implants process will require you to wear dentures while the implant site heals. With Teeth in a Day, you no longer need temporary dentures since the procedure will be completed in one sitting.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Teeth in a Day
Convenience and affordability are the most common reasons why people choose Teeth in a Day Plantation. However, aside from these two reasons, there are still a lot of benefits why you should choose this dental treatment. Teeth in a Day allows you to say goodbye to embarrassment and dental pain from missing teeth or loose dentures. Other advantages are as follows:
- Suitable treatment for most cases
- Easily cleaned and cared for
- Does not affect your taste sensation as it doesn’t cover the roof of your mouth
- No more multiple appointments and treatments
- Decreases any bone loss
- The biting capacity of your teeth is increased
- Lesser diet restrictions
- Fits naturally as if you’re not even wearing dental implants
In every dental treatment, there are always advantages and disadvantages. Although there are other dental solutions to address the concern of lost or missing teeth, dental implants are a bit expensive as compared to other treatments. Most drawbacks of Teeth in a Day Plantation are similar with those of ordinary dental implants. The most common is the risk that surgery may bring. There will always be a possibility of experiencing pain or swelling after the procedure is done. However, the risk is lower as compared to ordinary dental implants.

Looking for a Teeth in a Day Plantation
At Oral Facial Reconstruction and Implant Center, we have facilities that can help our professionals give you better service. Request an appointment today!