Following an orthognathic surgery Plantation, adjusting your meals and snacks as your body heals is crucial. The reason why you underwent orthognathic surgery doesn’t matter after the procedure. You still need to consume a lot of liquids and pureed foods during the first week. As days go by, you can adjust your diet by including soft foods.
What Foods to Eat After an Orthognathic Surgery
First Six Days after the Surgery
Numbness and swelling from the sedative are to be expected immediately after the surgery. It’s important to remember that both the swelling and numbness will make it hard for you to eat and drink. No matter what state you’re in, be sure to stay hydrated. A good tip is to set an alarm every hour reminding you to drink just a half glass of water.
1st to 4th Week
During these weeks, thick purees will be your pal. This delicious and soft food should become a significant part of your diet as you recover. At this stage, your bones are stabilized only by the screws and plates attached during the surgery. It cannot withstand the pressure of chewing on hard foods. Hence, you should only consume foods and beverages such as yogurt or fruit-based drinks, shakes, smoothies, fruit or vegetable purees, etc.
4th to 6th Week
As your healing process progresses, you may start to eat foods that require minimal pressure on your jaw. At this time, you can now eat soft sandwiches, pasta, rice dishes, scrambled eggs, and mashed potatoes. Soft is the operative characteristic.
6th Week Onwards
During the 6th week of your surgery, you can now attempt to chew foods like hamburgers, fish, and chicken. However, remember not to exert much pressure when chewing. It’s always best to gradually eat foods at a progressive level to guarantee your surgery will not be compromised.
Learn More About the Dos and Don’ts After an Orthognathic Surgery Plantation
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