What Makes Someone a Candidate for Orthognathic Surgery?

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Orthognathic surgery, also known as corrective jaw surgery, is a procedure designed to correct jaw and teeth misalignments that cannot be fixed with orthodontics alone. Determining if you are a candidate for orthognathic surgery in Coral Springs involves evaluating several factors related to your dental and overall health. Here, we'll explore the key criteria that make someone a candidate for this type of surgery.

Determining Candidacy for Orthognathic Surgery

1. Jaw Misalignment Issues

One of the primary reasons for orthognathic surgery is to correct severe overbites or underbites. If your upper or lower jaw significantly protrudes or recedes, it can affect your bite, facial appearance, and overall oral health.

An open bite, where the upper and lower teeth do not meet when the mouth is closed, can lead to difficulty chewing and speaking. Orthognathic surgery can realign the jaws to ensure the teeth come together properly.

2. Functional Problems

Functional problems such as difficulty chewing or biting food effectively can indicate the need for orthognathic surgery. This can be due to misaligned jaws that prevent proper contact between the teeth.

Jaw misalignments can also affect speech, causing difficulties in articulation and pronunciation. Corrective jaw surgery can improve these issues, making communication clearer and more effective.

3. Chronic Jaw or TMJ Pain

If you experience chronic jaw pain or discomfort, including temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders, orthognathic surgery might be recommended. This surgery can alleviate pain caused by jaw misalignment and improve overall jaw function.

Persistent headaches and ear pain related to jaw issues are also indicators that you might be a candidate for orthognathic surgery. Correcting the jaw alignment can relieve these associated symptoms.

Do You Want to Know If You Qualify for Orthognathic Surgery in Coral Springs?

If you are a candidate for orthognathic surgery, contact Oral Facial Reconstruction and Implant Center. Our experienced team is dedicated to providing comprehensive care and helping you achieve optimal oral health. Schedule your consultation today to determine if orthognathic surgery is right for you.