TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint) disorder can cause pain and discomfort in the jaw, making everyday activities like talking and chewing difficult. If you have a TMJ in Pembroke Pines disorder, you may wonder whether chewing gum could make it worse.
While it may seem harmless, chewing gum can put added strain on your jaw, potentially aggravating your symptoms. If you’re dealing with TMJ disorder, understanding how certain habits affect your jaw is essential for managing your condition.
Why Chewing Gum Affects TMJ
The repetitive motion of chewing gum puts constant pressure on your jaw muscles and joints. Over time, this can worsen the pain and discomfort associated with TMJ. Since the temporomandibular joint is already inflamed or irritated in those with TMJ, additional strain from constant gum chewing can exacerbate symptoms, leading to increased tension and stiffness in the jaw.
Signs Chewing Gum May Be Aggravating Your TMJ
If you notice increased jaw pain, clicking, or popping while chewing gum, it could be a sign that your TMJ is being irritated. Other symptoms may include headaches, earaches, or difficulty opening and closing your mouth. Paying attention to these signs is important to avoid further damage to the joint.
Healthier Alternatives to Gum
If you love chewing gum but suffer from TMJ disorder, consider switching to healthier alternatives. You can try sugar-free mints or drink more water to stay refreshed. If you feel the need to chew, soft foods are less likely to aggravate your jaw compared to gum.
Managing TMJ with Professional Help
Avoiding habits that stress your jaw is a great start, but managing the symptoms often requires professional care. Seeking help from specialists who treat TMJ disorders can provide relief and offer solutions tailored to your needs.
Do You Need Help With Your TMJ Disorder in Pembroke Pines?
If you're experiencing discomfort from TMJ, Oral Facial Reconstruction and Implant Center is here to help. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and find relief for your TMJ symptoms.