Zygomatic implants are similar to traditional dental implants in Coral Springs, they replace missing teeth through a surgical procedure but differ in one area. These implants are attached to your cheekbone instead of your jawbone and are used to attach the crown to your cheekbone are much thinner and longer compared to traditional implants that just have to reach the jawbone. Typically, you will only need zygomatic implants under very specific circumstances.

Basic Facts About Zygomatic Implants
Designed to Replace Your Top Teeth
Zygomatic dental implants in Coral Springs is resorted to by patients who need to replace their top teeth. It is worthy to note that zygomatic implants may also be combined with standard dental implants to serve as teeth substitute at the bottom and top of your arches.Additionally, when undergoing a zygomatic implant procedure, you will be placed under sedation to avoid any discomfort or pain. Different types of sedation like IV sedation and local anesthetic are applied, depending on your condition. This will guarantee that you feel relaxed and calm during the entire process. However, you will need a relative or friend to go along with you since you feel a bit drowsy after the treatment.
Only Requires a Single Visit
Generally, traditional dental implants in Coral Springs take weeks or months before the treatment can be completed. With zygomatic implants, you will only need a single session. Moreover, patients who cannot undergo the standard implants due to insufficient jawbone density and strength can avail of this treatment. Since zygomatic dental implants do not require a bone grafting procedure, this type of implants is ideal for patients with the insufficient jawbone.

Where Can I Get Dental Implants in Coral Springs?
At Oral Facial Reconstruction and Implant Center, we help you with what you need in order to be as healthy as possible. Contact us today for all of your dental implant needs in Coral Springs!