Are You a Candidate for Orthognathic Surgery in Coral Springs?

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Root canals, dental implants, tooth extractions – these are the most common dental procedures we often hear about. Then there’s orthognathic surgery in Coral Springs, something that sounds alien to the majority.

Orthognathic surgery isn't just a fancy term to throw around at dinner parties to impress your friends. It's a real-deal surgical procedure aimed at correcting irregularities with the jaw and facial bones. The goal? To improve how you chew, speak, and breathe. And yes, it often has the added bonus of enhancing your appearance.

man sleeping needs orthognathic surgery coral springs

Key Factors to Consider

So, who's in the running for this procedure? It's not for everyone, but here are four factors that make you an ideal candidate for orthognathic surgery in Coral Springs:

  1. Jaw Misalignment

If your jaw seems to be on its own journey, not aligning properly when you bite, orthognathic surgery could be your ticket to a harmonious mouth. Aside from making you look good, the procedure can prevent serious issues caused by misalignment, including pain and difficulty eating.

  1. Sleep Apnea

Snoring like a freight train? It might be more than just an annoyance to your roommates. Severe sleep apnea, where breathing stops and starts throughout the night, can sometimes be alleviated with orthognathic surgery, giving you (and anyone within earshot) a peaceful night's sleep.

  1. Facial Injury or Birth Defects

If you've had a facial injury or were born with certain conditions that affect the structure of your face and jaw, orthognathic surgery in Coral Springs might be recommended to restore functionality and appearance.

  1. Chronic Jaw Pain

Suffering from TMJ disorders or chronic jaw pain? When traditional treatments don't bring relief, surgery might be the next step to consider.

dentist explaining orthognathic surgery coral springs procedure to patient

Interested to Learn More About Orthognathic Surgery in Coral Springs?

If you're nodding along to any of these points, orthognathic surgery in Coral Springs could be worth exploring. The best first step is to chat with one of our specialists who can guide you through the process, from initial consultation to post-surgery recovery.

Reach out to Oral Facial Reconstruction and Implant Center today!