Oral Pathology

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Oral Pathology

When it comes to diseases in your mouth, jaw, or any other related structures in your facial region, early detection is key. The sooner you catch a disease, the better. However, before you seek treatment, an oral pathology biopsy may be necessary.

Woman with oral pathology

Our Pathologic Services

  • Hard and soft tissue biopsies

  • Oral cancer screening

  • Tumor resection

  • Tumor ablative surgery

  • Reconstructive surgery

  • Cytology

  • Fine needle aspiration biopsy

  • Evaluation and treatment of salivary gland disorders

What Is a Biopsy?

A biopsy is a surgical procedure that involves removing a piece of suspicious tissue so a qualified oral pathologist can examine it.

It typically takes around 10 days to make a final diagnosis. We take great care throughout your biopsy to ensure that we provide you with an accurate diagnosis.

Why Do We Do Biopsies?

If you have an abnormal tissue in your oral region, don’t waste any more time. An oral pathology biopsy is the only way to be absolutely certain of a final diagnosis. As a result, it is the first step you must take in order to treat oral pathologic diseases.

Wondering If You Need an Oral Biopsy?

You’ve come to the right place. At Oral Facial Reconstruction, we’re committed to helping patients get the treatment they need. Our expert surgeons can help with a range of cases: everything from TMJ to trauma management.

Have any questions about what we could do for you? Interested in booking an appointment? Please don’t hesitate to contact us today. We’re here for you.